Very Slow performance on Saving data

Hi, I appreciate your help.

I have SUITECRM Version 7.11.5 installed
Sugar Version 6.5.25 (Build 344)

We have about 55,000 leads and about 150,000 calls. We perform a server migration, going to a Google service. The Google service has double capacity in RAM and the same disk. Since we migrated the performance is very poor, specifically when inserting a new line (calls) or when modifying a Lead.

When generating a call we have more than 1 minute of waiting …

Please can you guide me

Do compare the apache configuration and mysql configuration of both the server.

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Also, use this query to check for overgrown tables:

And turn on log slow queries in Admin / System Settings, then look in your logs (with log level as debug) to see exactly which queries are delaying you.

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