vcalendar empty

I am able to successfully subscribe to my calendars using the iCal url. However when I try to use the “Publish at my location” url it has no events. Am I missing a security or calendar setting? The iCal feed shows all of the events.

BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//SugarCRM//SugarCRM Calendar//EN BEGIN:VFREEBUSY ORGANIZER;CN=Al S:VFREEBUSY DTSTART:2018-03-23 00:00:00 DTEND:2018-05-23 00:00:00 FREEBUSY:20180329T040000Z/20180330T040000Z X-FREEBUSY-ID:cae29bd0-98c8-86db-0138-5ab664a08cc8 X-FREEBUSY-TYPE:Meeting DTSTAMP:2018-03-24 17:48:17 END:VFREEBUSY END:VCALENDAR

Version 7.9.7
Sugar Version 6.5.25 (Build 344)
running on an Ubuntu server

Thanks a lot.

Version 7.9.7 is quite an old version. Can you please try it in the latest live demo and see if it works there? This is important to determine if the problem is only in your system, or really a bug in the current code.

I upgraded to 7.10.3 but same thing. I also tried to online demo. Logged in, went to user, advanced, added a publish key and saved. copied the publish at my location link and pasted it into a browser and it is empty. added a calendar to outlook, pasted the link and it is empty. In all cases if i use the ical link I can see the events but all of the calendars (outlook, teamup, etc) only update the ical feed every 10-24 hours so that doesn’t work.

Maybe I should explain what I am trying to do because I might just be thinking about it all wrong. We currently have a mysql database of events that is synchronized back and forth in real time to a teamup calendar through the teamup api (coded in Visual Basic). My goal is synchronize the database with SuiteCRM as well. The problem is that if any changes are made through SuiteCRM they wouldn’t be reflected in the teamup calendar unless the database does a 3 way synch (SuiteCRM to the database then the database to teamup). I understand that it would be possible to put all of that customer api coding into SuiteCRM but it seems like with calendar events I shouldn’t have too. I should be able to just share the calendar to keep them in synch, shouldn’t I?
