V8.5.0 Error importing Products

SuiteCRM v8.5.0
Running with 2 cpu and 8gb of memory
Debian 11.7
NGINX webserver
MySql 8.0.27-18

Upgraded to 8.5.0 earlier today. Successfully able to import Product Categories but receive an immediate ‘Import Error’ in the interface when importing Products.

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Username: will

Password: will


Try here!

Yep, same problem on the demo site. If you attempt to import Price then the import fails. Importing the same file without mapping Price works so it is down to this column. Anyone suggest a workaround?

You could search on the SuiteCRM GitHub.

Ok, thanks for the pointer. I have raised it as a bug on the github repo

Thank you for an update!

As a workaround, I imported the records without mapping the Price field. I then accessed the aos_products table and extracted the id and name fields of the records I had just imported and created a line of SQL similar to this to update each record.

UPDATE aos_products SET Price =6480 WHERE id =‘1d2e7cd5-a3a3-fc74-67f0-65b0de46c64f’;

In my system, Price is set as a Required field but I cannot Import Products either.

I can manually add Products just fine, including setting Price

I am on SuiteCRM 7.14.3 now PHP v8

Importing Products used to work on 7.14 pre 7.14.3

I see the bug report is still open.

Have you come up with a way to Import Price or are you still Importing without including Price?