Using SuteCRM in a university project setting


We have been looking around to implement a CRM for our project.

The project entails reaching out to other universities, sign them in an institutional contract. Then authorize specific Professors within that institution to use our free service. The professors can then authorize their affiliates (lab managers etc) as well… so the work flow is something like

Institution ----many—> professors ----many—> affiliates

We want to use SuiteCRM for the whole workflow, communications, helpdesk etc ? Is it possible? In terms of Accounts / Contacts / Leads / Opportunities etc… how would it conform to this workflow… We are not doing any sales per se… since it is a free service within a policy framework…

Can anyone give their input.

The project is a wonderful tool for research in human development.

Many thanks

Sure it is possible.

I would use “Accounts” as “Institution”, if I recall correctly, you can even give it a custom name, such as “Institution”
I would use “Contacts” for Professors & Affiliats, with the professors being the “report to” of affiliates.

You could create a custom field of “type” (or possibly reuse one of the built in fields) for whether they are a Professor, Lab Manager, Etc. or just Professor/Affiliate if you prefer.

You can also shut off the modules you don’t need, if any, such as quotes and invoicing.


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Thanks for the reply.

Can you also let me know if this will allow a Ticketing System (Customer Service Portal) as well… where automated emails can be sent for specific tasks?