Using SuiteCRM API with a Website

Hello, I wanted to ask if someone could explain how to create a lead in SuiteCRM 7.14.4 from a web page through a form. I know that the SuiteCRM API should be used, but I’m not sure how to do it. I would appreciate any help possible.

Few examples:

API v4.1 :: SuiteCRM Documentation

You don’t need to use the API
Look at Campaigns :: SuiteCRM Documentation

@blqt thats not a good idea. The campaigns form has no spam protection. You’ll get spammed by robot entries (ask me how I know LOL). Not only are they spamming your site but directly adding records to your CRM. It’s just not a good solution. Personally I use gravity forms or contact form 7. There are two ways of pushing the leads:

  1. using the campaign form as an entry point to push the form fills to. I explain how to do this here:
    How to Integrate SuiteCRM and Gravity Forms - iGo Website Design Mississauga
    How to Integrate SuiteCRM and Contact Form 7 - iGo Website Design Mississauga

The second way is to use the gravity forms web hook. I prefer this one beacause I think it’s a little more secure. Unfortunately I don’t have a tutorial on this one, but it’s pretty straight forward.

Thank you all for replying. I also don’t see it as feasible to do it through campaigns. Our idea is as follows: We have a company website with a contact form for those who want to get in touch. The idea is that when the form is submitted, the data is sent from the website to SuiteCRM using the API to create/register a lead. The problem is that I don’t understand the documentation well enough to implement it.

Lots of people use the old school Web to Person form, and then add some spam protection on top, like a captcha.

Yes, but from what I read in the documentation, you have to create a form, and we already have one designed aesthetically that we want to use. That’s why we wanted to know how we could link it with SuiteCRM.

Then you’ll have to write your own…

It’s the simplest HTML form… you can look at SuiteCRM’s form and adapt it, no need to use the API.

The form is the simple way to do it
The API is the better, more solid way to do it

In your form, just post the data into a custom EntryPoint in CRM and handle the validation and insertion of data into Leads or Prospects as you see fit.
Check out how to create a custom Entry Point.