Using "List Items" to show Sales Activity & Pipeline


I initally wanted to to show the following 2 lists in the Product’s DetailView:

1- List of Invoices which have this product as a line item (This will tell us about the “Sales Activity” for this product).
2- List of Quotes which have this product as a line item (This will tell us about the “Sales Pipeline” for this product).

Creating “Custom Reports” for each product was not really a practical choice for us… because we have > 60 products.

So… I tried to find a way to utilize the “Line Items” module directly… and finally I could find this link: http://localhost/suitedemo/index.php?module=AOS_Products_Quotes&action=index
… Or see it on the Suitedemo:

And I manually created the following metadata file to “custom\modules\AOS_Products_Quotes\metadata\searchdefs.php” (because SuiteCRM threw some error because it didn’t contain a Search layout by default)… Anyway, the error was resolved.


1- In the DetailsView & EditView of the “Line Item”, the Product’s label is appearing, but the Product’s “Relation” dropdown is not appearing at all. Please see attached image.

2- I’m not able to find the “Product” field to drag it into the “Search” layout.

3- Lastly, why can’t I see the “Line Items” module in the “Admin/Display Modules and Subpanels” page?

Looking forward to hearing from the community. This is my first post here!


Hi there,

Line Items does not show as a module as it is not meant to be a standalone module. It is part of the AOS module. To do what you require, you would have to customise AOS/line items.

