Using ical

I have installed SuiteCRM 7.5.3, and things are looking pretty good! The only thing is, that I cannot enable a schedule / calendar through Thunderbird(Lightning). A messagebox with username and password keeps showing.

If I enter the iCal-URL in the browser, a similar popup shows.

Any suggestions? I have seen this discussed widely, a fix should exist…

Best regards

Did you solve this?

I’m using ldap and really struggling to intergrate with ical. I’ve setup local password as well for a test user and still cannot get it to work it just keeps coming up with this box.

Here is how got iCal one way sync to work again in version 7.3.2

a) installed version 7.0.2 alongside the current version
b) in 7.0.2 replaced modules/iCals/iCal.php with
c) in 7.0.2 replaced modules/vCals/vCal.php with
d) changed file owner to apache:apache and rights to 755
e) copied iCal intergration URL to Evolution, no username, no email adress, tested and confirmed iCal to work
f) copied the updated vCal.php and iCal.php to my working version
g) confirmed iCal sync from SuiteCRM -> Evolution calendar now works

Please note: I have tried this update several times before with the working version of SuiteCRM without success. For some to me unbeknown reason doing it this way, i.e., via an old 7.0.2 version brought iCal back.

For what it is worth.


Updated files were found at