Users module not working after migration from 7.14 to 8.6

This is about User managememnt, not Employees.
When I navigate to Admin->User Management I do see the list of Useres. However when I try to view a record of a User, the page remains empty and I get the following error in suitecrm.log:

Mon Jul  1 11:56:48 2024 [319125][617d6a52-fddc-1eda-a4c4-57533ac8e921][FATAL] Exception handling in /var/www/html/public/legacy/include/MVC/Controller/SugarController.php:397
Mon Jul  1 11:56:48 2024 [319125][617d6a52-fddc-1eda-a4c4-57533ac8e921][FATAL] Exception in Controller: Unable to load template 'file:modules/Users/tpls/DetailViewHeader.tpl' in 'themes/suite8/modules/Users/tpls/DetailView.tpl'

When I look in the file themes/suite8/modules/Users/tpls/DetailView.tpl there is no mention of DetailsViewHeader.tpl at all. I can’t find that file in the installation. I can find it in my old 7.14 installatoin in the folder custom/backup/modules/Users/tpls (but now I am not even sure it worked there, because I updated from 7.14.5 to latest and almost immediately migrated to 8.6.0).


When you try Admin / User Management / user on the Suite 8 demo user will pass will does it also fail

I don’t think that file is supposed to be found in the installation (I checked the official repository).

So my guess is that the problem is in the file that is trying to load it. I suggest a Quick Repair and Rebuild, if you haven’t done so already, and if you have, then try deleting the theme files from under public/legacy/cache

@chris001, I get an error on the view template. I also do not have that user any more.
@pgr, regrettably that didn’t work. I also went into studio and reset the DetailsView and EditView of the Users module to the default. I did a quick repair, delete the theme from the casche and restarted the webserver all to no avail.

I do not understand where the reference to DetailsViewHeader.tpl is coming from. It’s not in the database is it?

Actually the fatal error is telling you exactly where the reference is (DetailView.tpl)

Maybe check this code