User settings reseted after failed login


we are using SuiteCRM 7.14.6 and have a problem with the login. Every time a user fails the login (wrong password for example) the user settings are reseted and the dialog for the settings (like for new user) is shown.

The problem for the user is, that also all the settings for calendar (colors, start-, end date, user selection for shared calendar view) are also reseted.

There is no additional information in the log.

We did the upgrad from the last version of SugarCRM Community Edition and everything worked well until we upgraded to SuiteCRM 7 (sorry we don’t know the exact version the problem occured the first time).

Any advise how to analyse and correct would be helpfull.


Hello Gerhard,

I wasn’t able to replicate the issue on a 7.14.1.

Have you installed any 3rd party extensions?
Any other customizations in the code somewhere?
Everything else is working just fine?

Hallo Bastian,

We have some extension installed years ago under SugarCRM.

  • ge_ge
  • CallRooM: Gantt Chart
  • CallRooM: Who’s Online
  • Widget Module
  • leistungserfassung_fakturierung (this is a extension we created)
  • studio_export
  • German (Germany)

ge_ge, Widget Module and studio_export don’t show the option to deactivate or deinstall

The only other customizations we did are to add some fields to the accounts table. We did this via SuiteCRM Studio.

Everything else is working fine.

I’d start with trying to debug where things are coming from on a copy / staging environment.

If you try to remove all / as many extensions as easily possible on the staging environment, does the issue persist?
If so, I’d still try to remove: ge_ge, Widget Module and studio_export somehow.
Check out this approach:

If the issue still persists, there must be sth. else and you probably need to check the code. Maybe this approach will get you somewhere:

  1. Create a DB dump
  2. Replicate the issue with a user
  3. Create another DB dump
  4. Use a diff tool to check which tables got updated
    Then, you can check out the differences and try to identify which piece of code is doing that.

Look at this topic / post:

ut is Base64 encoded in the user table in the columns secion.
Try a service like: to decode it.
Overall a bit laborious, but it might give you a clue.

I assume, you’ve already looked into the log files and there is not good clue there? The two logs you need to know – SuiteCRM In-depth – pgorod's collection of articles on SuiteCRM