User Notification Email Password does not match password used when user created. Users cannot login

When we create a user account in the Administration>User Management we are required to create a password. When we save the record a notification email is sent to the user. However, the password notified to the user does not match the password we used to create the user and therefore the user cannot login for the first time.

How can we solve this. We do not want to use system generated passwords at this time.

his is such a fundamental issue. We cannot onboard users as the email sent to them does not contain the initial password we set when we created their account.

We have gone through all settings we can find for passwords and cannot see how this random password they are sent is created. If we have to put a password in on creation of the user record why is that password not being notified to the user in the Account Notification email?

Any help would be appreciated.
