user email send error

sending test emails and system emails work, but when trying to send an email as a user I get this message.

Error Sending Email. Please contact your administrator for assistance.

sugar_versionā€™ => ā€˜6.5.25ā€™,
ā€˜suitecrm_versionā€™ => ā€˜7.10.7ā€™,

log file does not seem to be showing anything

In Admin Settings, System settings, you can set your Log level to Warning (at least). This should give you something in suitecrm.log. We need more information in order to troubleshoot thisā€¦

Here is a snip of the log file.

I donā€™t see anything very obvious that could be causing your problem, sorry.

I think this error is worth fixing:

Sun Sep 16 13:52:20 2018 [27566][-none-][WARN] Configuration variable date.timezone is not set, guessed timezone America/New_York. Please set date.timezone=ā€œAmerica/New_Yorkā€ in php.ini!

Set the date.timezone in php.ini and restart your web server.

Are you sure that during the time of that log snippet, you got that email sending error on your screen? Itā€™s strange that thereā€™s nothing in the logs about it (unless Iā€™m missing it)

You might also find clues in php_errors.log, or whatever your web server log is called.

Yes, I am sure that this error had popped up multiple time in the errorlog snippet. I can set the timezone in the PHP.INI file. I did select it in the SuiteCRM configuration. My ISP also changed my IP address which was another thing I needed to change. But, I am not sure why that would effect this. The other side is that I can send emails with no problem through the system outgoing email. This is the same email & configuration that I am using for the user.

I will get back to you once I try the above.

My apologies for not getting back to you yet. This has created quite a headache in my little firm as we are now forced to do everything manually for the time being. I am hoping to get into it tomorrow/tonight. But, initially I do not see a change.