User/Admin not showing photos on dashboard screen


Can anyone shed some light on why user/admin photos are not displaying? I’ve looked in the upload directory, and while the photos are there, they’re not saved with the “1dcfd86e-dc4e-bf74-2007-5a578b2b3589_photo” code. Its literally called “1_photo”.

The id for admin is actually and literally “1” so that would be correct.

But they’re not showing? What do the permissions look like?

PGR, Thanks again for your help. I’m using Windows Server 2012, Apache. PHP and MySQL (WAMP). I haven’t touched permissions. Where do you change these on Windows? It would be useful to know as I’ve seen ‘permissions’ referenced before regarding suitecrm - but nearly always on Linux.


Normally the default Windows permissions don’t create problems for SuiteCRM. But it’s beyond the scope of these forums to help people use Windows permissions. You just have to make sure the process that your Web server is using has read and write access to that directory.

Maybe it’s better if you start by finding your logs and looking for errors there, either at the time of saving a picture, or at the time of attempting to display it.

Look for both suitecrn.log, and errors.log (or whatever your web server log is called in Windows).

I have the same problem too. SuiteCRM Version 8.5.1. Folder upload permissions are 777, and file permissions are 644. What can I do? Thank you.
I note that the problem also occurs on the SuiteCRM demo: