Use SuiteCRM for B2C

Hi there,

as a personal coach my clients are private costumers - nut business - so my Business is B2C.

How can i Handle B2C contacts the best way here?



you need to little change in config_override.php

  'require_accounts' => true,

Change this to

  'require_accounts' => false,

This will convert Suite from B2B to B2C.

THx a lot.

I did that change and tried it by tring to convert a lead to a contact - but it still wants an accout…what did i miss?
(I did log out and log on :slight_smile: )

somewhere it still needs at custom controllers, I will check it and let you solution.
Do you love a direct convert , click and boom?

Sorry, und dont understand what you mean in the second line…

Actually I am planning a direct button to straight convert , rather than a mediator screen. hopefully coming week.

On Convert Lead Screen, Unchecking Account still REQUIRES an Account to be Selected. This might be a BUG, when the User has Unchecked Account, it should proceed with Other Options. Or SuiteCRM should make either of Contact / Account Required if the user choose to Unselect one.

For Your Issue, copy the file located at modules/Leads/metadata/convertdefs.php to custom/modules/Leads/metadata/convertdefs.php

Now in the custom file, locate following code

$viewdefs['Accounts']['ConvertLead'] = array(
    'copyData' => true,
    'required' => true,

and change ‘required’ => true, to ‘required’ => false,

Save the file and run Repair/Rebuild from admin to see that Account is No longer required on Lead Convert page.

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Worked - thanks a lot

root@suitecrm …/www/suitecrm# cp modules/Leads/metadata/convertdefs.php custom/modules/Leads/metadata/convertdefs.php
cp: cannot create regular file ‘custom/modules/Leads/metadata/convertdefs.php’: No such file or directory
Do I have to create the directories?

Yes, create them.

Generic instructions about this here: