Use Campaign with several Marketing-Records - Tutorial?

I’m trying to use Campaigns for an easy case, but it seems not working or I don’t understand how to use it :slight_smile:

I have a campaign called “Welcome new Customers”. I want to send it to new customers every month, so I create a new Target List every month with the new users.

If I understand right, I have to restart the Campaign-Wizard, select the new Target List, Delete the old target list, use the same email-template, and give the marketing-record a new name.

Is this correct so far?

If I do so, the new users receive the email, but all the old emails listed in the campaign overview show the name of the current marketing record, even the emails I sent last month with another marketing record name. Is that a bug ?!

I can’t find any Tutorial or something that explains how to use the campaign over a longer period with multiple marketing records. only the hint that it’s a feature…


Did you have any success with this? What did you learn?