Uploaded documents are not visible

Hi All,

One of our team members has a strange problem.

When he uploaded documents to Documents he cannot see them after uploading.
No errors occur, just after pressing Save button nothing happen.

I do the same and I see all uploaded documents in the section Documents.

Could you please help me to understand the problem?

Best regards,

It’s probably caused by permissions issues.

What is your version of Operating System, PHP and SuiteCRM?

Can you please post the results of this command, run it from SuiteCRM’s root directory:

ls -al

This will allow me to get a quick glance at some of your permissions settings.

Concerning Permissions.
In section Documents on the user profile I see in Option Export/Import Owner.
What does this mean? Can this cause the problem?

Because some users have chosen None or not set.

Oh, sorry, i see this cannot be the problem.

When I said “permissions” I meant Linux file permissions. This would cause a bug, the Save button not operating correctly.

What you are discussing are SuiteCRM Security permissions. You would need to check your permissions scheme to know if that’s working. This would be the normal functioning of permissions, making sure that your user can see what he needs to see.

When you say you can upload and see documents with your own user, do you mean that you can also see his uplodaded documents, the ones he can’t see? Or only the ones you upload yourself?

I can also see his uploaded documents and mine too.
But he can’t see his uploaded documents.

Well, if the documents are uploading and saving correctly, then that could indeed be caused by Security Settings.

But I don’t know how you have your Roles and Groups set up, so it’s hard to help…

Maybe you can try to review your approach with the help of this excellent tutorial:
