Upload files is not working in version Version 7.12.5 and Version 7.12.4

I tried to upload in Document a pdf file. This feature worked in earlier versions ok for my instance.
I upgrade to 7.12.4 and it is not working anymore, i hoped the issue was solved in 7.12.5, but no effect.
My php.ini settings are for sure ok, also the admin upload setting in suitecrm was ok. Reading the phpinfo says the settings are fine.
I tested with Oulook and the suitecrm plugin to get email in suitecrm (including attached files). This is working fine.
Any ideas ?

Hi @mooijr, sorry for the late response.
Did you succeed?
Is the problem related to the Documents module only?

yes it is, when i use for example the outlook plugin with attachments they will be found in suitecrm correctly.

i checked my providers php.ini file, checked with php.info scripts, which show the file setting are ok.

Hi, i’ve just tried to create a Document record uploading a pdf file on a 7.12.5 instance but i got no error.
Have you enabled the error_reporting in php.ini?
Have you tried to set your log level to WARN on Admin > System Settings ?