Upgrading from 8.5.0 to 8.5.1 with changes intact

I currently use SuiteCRM-8.5.0 and did some changes in core directory “/core/app” and public directory.
Now i want to upgrade it to SuiteCRM-8.5.1 without altering my changes i did because it resets the core directory and removes my added layout CSS files and other changes, which makes me re do again my all changes.

Is there a way to upgrade to latest version and keep my core changes or layout CSS files intact?

I followed this to upgrade but its resets my core directory (public directory remains same which is fine since i don’t want it to reset either) =>

You should really not be making your changes there, that’s why we speak of “upgrade-safe” changes, when they’re done in the correct place.

You should only make changes

  • in /extension directory, for things that are v8 specific, typically involving Symfony or Angular
  • in public/legacy/custom for things that are still used, but that were already around in the time of v7: vardefs, viewdefs, etc

Thank you, I’ll keep that in mind.

I want to make changes in files of login (i.e .html, .ts) “/core/app/core/src/lib/views/login/components/login/”
and also add scss for it in layout folder “/core/app/shell/src/themes/suite8/css/layout/”

How can I alter “public/legacy/custom” to do so without altering the original core folder.

You don’t mix the two kinds of customizations…

  • Either the customization is meant for legacy code, and you’re overriding stuff in public/legacy, and it goes into public/legacy/custom,

  • or it is meant for v8 code, and you’re overriding stuff in other places, and it has to be done as an Symfony or Angular extension. It goes under /extension

Have a look here to see how to do custom stuff for v8 (although it’s not exactly the same as what you’re trying to solve, sorry):

https://docs.suitecrm.com/8.x/developer/ , section Extensions

Thanks for further guidance.

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I followed the documentation and adjusted extensions/defaultExt/app/src/ to create a custom sidebar widget, it was successful and is displaying on page.

Now i am trying to override the original Login files i.e of “core/app/core/src/lib/views/login/components/login/”
with same procedure and kept my new custom login files inside extensions as “extensions/defaultExt/app/src/views/login/components/login/”

Based on documention, sidebar widget was needed to be registered in extension.module.ts in order to make it render and working but how to register this “login” in extension.module.ts “extensions/defaultExt/app/src/extension.module.ts” or what should i do next to override my original login files after this all steps.

I’m sorry, but I only know what is in the Docs…

If you wanted to customize something in the back-end, I might know more, but on the front-end I am a bit lost myself… :man_shrugging:

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