Upgrading from 7.9.0 to 7.9.5 broke module tabs

I upgraded from 7.9.0 to 7.9.5 this morning and am no longer able to use Tabs in Studio Layouts.

I would go to EditView or DetailView Layout, mark the desired panels as Tabs, hit Save and Deploy and get a successful save popup. but if I were to go back to Layouts and open the same Layout I just saved, I would see that all panels are once again marked as Panels.

Right now I have most of my Modules working fine, since I have not made any changes to Layouts after the upgrade. But Projects and Accounts have no more Tabs because I went and added a new text field to both.

Iā€™m seeing reports on similar matter and fixes where the template file codes are being patched. To me, it looks more like a Studio issue where it will always save the panels as Panels. Could someone verify this?

Is there anyone else out there running 7.9.5 who could test this? Iā€™m unsure if this is a bug or something on my end.

You can test it yourself in this 7.9.5 online demo that allows admin access:


Unfortunately does not seem to be working for me. Iā€™m getting ā€œConnection refusedā€ errors on that link

Online demos have to be refreshed periodically to clean up the changes that people make as they play with them.

You probably just hit one of those moments where the demo is reinstalling itself. Iā€™m sure you can reach it now if you try again.

Indeed, looks like thatā€™s what it was. Thank you!

Anyhow, I now managed to test it on the demo server and can confirm it as a bug.

Steps to create:
Go to Studio->Module->Layouts->EditView
Add new panels
Rename the panels and set them to Tabs
Save and Deploy
Go to frontend and confirm that the added panels are not shown as tabs
Go to Studio->Module->Layouts->EditView and confirm that the panels did not get saved as Tabs and are still showing the display type of Panel

Is it the same thing as this?


Indeed it is. Iā€™ve added my findings there. Letā€™s hope itā€™s an easy fix and makes it to the next update.

I still donā€™t see ā€˜display listā€™ option while creating a tab into EditView of a module.


Does anyone know, how to do it?

Solved. we need to drag-N-drop panel and click on SAVE button. Then, you will see the ā€˜display listā€™ option for that panel.

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