Upgrading from 7.13.4 to 7.14.4

I have many problems, the upgrade process never finishes.

  • Should I upgrade to PHP 8.2 BEFORE doing the update to 7.14.4 from 7.13.4?
  • Should I upgrade to PHP 8.2 AFTER doing the update to 7.14.4 from 7.13.4?

Whatever I try the upgrade process never finishes.
I have followed the upgrade guidelines to the dot e.g. changing the php.ini file, stopping the cache etc.

I have also tried the command line upgrade, but the process seems to have bug as it cannot find path, e.g. it’s getting confused where to load the “./vendor/consolidation/robo/robo” from.

I even tried to fix the pathnames, but then is runs out of memory.
I even tried to copy the “./vendor/consolidation/robo/robo” from the NEVER versions, but that stops somewhere in the middle leaving the SUITECRM in limbo.

Anybody any ideas?

In some edge cases, the thing that saved some people was to treat the two separate steps of the upgrade (upgrade + finalize) as requiring different PHP versions.

Think of the first step as something that runs in the older version, with the older PHP. And the finalize as something that runs in the new version with the new PHP.

Regarding the vendor directory and any composer problems, apart from double-checking any permissions issues, my advice is to back up the directory, and then use the entire vendor directory as it comes packaged in the full installation packages (not the upgrade packages) of SuiteCRM, according to the version you’re using.

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I shall try your suggestions …