The error I’m getting is “You do not have access to this area. Contact your site administrator to obtain access.” I have created the Role, I have created the Group with all access but still geting the same error.
I went to the server and tried the following:
chmod -R 760 /var/www/html/modules/UpgradeWizard and then run the Upgrade Wizard I get the “./upgradeWizard.log could not be created/written to. Please fix permissions on your SuiteCRM directory.”
Then if i run chmod -R 660 /var/www/html/modules/UpgradeWizard and run the Upgrade Wizard again I get: “You do not have access to this area. Contact your site administrator to obtain access.”
Besides that I then chmod -R 777 to config.php in /va//www/html with the same “You do not have access to this area. Contact your site administrator to obtain access.”
I reverted the same config.php file to 660 and the same message. By the way, what is the correct permission for the config.php file so it is secure?
Maybe your ownerships aren’t correct? Because those values on permissions totally depend on the ownership also.
If you run a “ls -al” on the root of your installation, you should see all owners and you can compare that to the user that your web server is running under.
Note also that for new files, the permissions on the parent directory are relevant, and also the UID bits, etc.
Finally, check in your config.php what you have under default_permissions.
Thanks for your reply. I did the ls -al command and ALLfiles and folders are owned by “root”. I don’t know where to go when you mention: “and you can compare that to the user that your web server is running under.” Can you please clarify?
(Those values starting with a 0 are PHP notation for Octal, after a QR&R you will find SuiteCRM changes them for their Decimal equivalents, that’s normal)
If after this and a QR&R, you see files going back to having “root” as owner, then you probably have your cron jobs running as root, that’s a separate problem.