upgraded 7.0.2 to 7.1.1: workflows are not triggering anymore because default case_status is now "Open_New"


Upgraded from 7.0.2 to 7.1.1, and my workflows are not triggering anymore.

I see in schedulers that “process workflows” is executed every minute.

I had a workflow that was working on recent cases, but it is not triggered anymore.

I finally found that new cases created from email are now with status=“Open_New” instead of the old “New”,
but the case_status_dom drop down does not even contain the value “Open_New”???

How do I fix that?


Hi Gilles,

I believe you resolved this? Or is this a new issue?



I would not say I have resolved it.
The problem is still present.

I’ve a workaround that requires a cronjob to regularly erase the version of the files that contain “Open_New” and replace it with a version that was edited to say “New”:

cp /opt/suite/suiteprod/cache/jsLanguage/en_us.js.saved /opt/suite/suiteprod/cache/jsLanguage/en_us.js;
cp /opt/suite/suiteprod/custom/application/Ext/Language/en_us.lang.ext.php.saved /opt/suite/suiteprod/custom/application/Ext/Language/en_us.lang.ext.php

just upgraded from sugar 6.4.5 (to 6.5.2) to SCRM 7.1.4
I have the same problem
may I ask what is the logic in this “split” value?

I am still estimating the damage, the case management is one of the best feature that we use.

I will post back my findings.
