Upgrade will break modified or created pages?

I wanted to upgrade one of my clients SuiteCRM installs, but the question of modified and newly created pages made be wonder if upgrading the software will erase or break the pages.

Can someone tell me what will happen to structurally modified or newly created pages? All done with in the tools of SuiteCRM, no code changes at all.

Thanks for any feedback.



It is always recommended to take backup of your Files and DB before upgrading the CRM.
If the old SuiteCRM is version 7.4 or below, then it will have major changes since Emails Module was a major change. If you are on a recent version, you can use the upgrade wizard. Customisation done from Studio goes into Custom folder and would remain there, not affected by the Upgrade.
Make sure to Run Repair Rebuild after upgrading. Again Having a Backup before upgrading is recommended.

Here are simple steps to make a succesful upgrade , in your case you should not worry about erasing as you said all customization made are from studio or builder.

  1. Take Instance backup
  2. Take DB backup
  3. Give 777 permission to whole SuiteCRM instance if possible. if not possible provide 755 at least.

In case if you have list of customization made directly from code and you must have them listed. If they are non-safe-upgrade , they might be erased with newer files.

Now start upgrading Suite via upgrade wizard or Silent upgrade, Silent upgrade is recommended.

Again if you have code changes in core files , they might erased with newer version of files , so keep them listed if you need to redo them.