Upgrade SuiteCRM 7.2.X to 7.3.1 Microsoft Edge problems

Hi, just upgrade to 7.3.1. The upgrade work great on IE11 and Chrome, I habitually use SuiteCRM with New Microsoft browser Edge. After upgrade, the SuiteCRM doesn’t look like the same on Edge. See picture, the 2 red circle.

Thanks SuiteCRM team, great support!!

Warnings and Notices should be suppressed in production instances of the CRM, You need to edit your php.ini file and suppress warnings/notices.
You then need to restart your apache web service.
Afterwards, please re-check that your server/file permissions are correct and do a Quick Repair/Rebuild from the Admin Menu

Thanks, John

Thanks John, does this manip will help to correct the 2 red circle in the picture?

Just to let know other poeple, my problem on the picture of the first subject have been resolve by just updating the language pack to 7.3.1.

So now Microsoft Edge display my SuiteCRM very good!!