Upgrade SuiteCRM 7.0 to 7.9

Hello everyone,

what would be preferred way to upgrade from Suitecrm v7.0 to the newest 7.9 version?

Current options I have in mind are:

  1. Should I download all the upgrade zips and run upgrade wizard with each?

  2. Or would it maybe be better to install clean v7.9 and then export studio customizations from 7.0 and install in 7.9. And after that migrate the data from old DB to new one?

Please comment and advise.

Thank you


solution 2 !
from 7.0 to 7.9 there are a lot of modification, news functionality.
The best is for me :
install new 7.9.x

from old 7.0 and database :
copy file (not export) …only your modification
then with sql dump… but not all table… only data… import in new 7.9.x


Please check also this recent thread, it was very similar to your question:


Hi item,

I was thinking the same but wanted to be sure.


@item, can you please explain a little better how to transfer “data” only? Which tables do you copy, and which do leave out?