Upgrade-Safe way to hide subpanels (part 2)

Dear suite people!

I put my question at the end of an earlier version of the above mentioned thread already, but somehow it disappeared and I did not receive a response. :frowning:

In the earlier thread, Andy mentioned the following:


This is exactly what would solve my problem, :cheer: but unfortunately I am not a PHP professional and I donā€™t get it to work. :frowning:

I want to remove the ā€œMembers Organisationā€ subpanel from the ā€œAccountsā€ module.

So according to the instructions above, I created an empty file called ā€œcustom.phpā€ and put the following line in it:


Then I copied the file to the path mentioned above.

I did a repair and rebuilt, but nothing changed. - I thought, that the default sub panels would now be configurable.
I thought, that I would be able to remove any subpanel from the ā€œAccountsā€ module now, but Iā€™m not.

What do I have to modify/ change, to make my requirements happen? - Any hint is highly appreciated! Thank you very very much! :slight_smile:

I understand you doesnā€™t need to enter these , because thatā€™s invalid code in PHP.

Also, for running php, you need to open php tags in the file. You can do this by this way:

<?php your_code ?>

Dear Maqui,

thank you! The ā€œiā€ in brackets? That might have been created by copy and paste. It is actualy not part of the php file. :wink:
OK, Iā€™ll add the start and end qualifiers and give it another try. :slight_smile: