quired upgrade pack and p
Maybe also good to put on this page, is to mention if you can skip minor updates 7.12.x and 7.x (I am going to try)
Maybe also add how to disable default php.ini restrictions
php -d disable_functions=none ./vendor/bin/robo upgrade:suite SuiteCRM-7.14.6.zip upgradeLog.log . admin
I am having a lot of the same lines
PHP Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Consolidation\AnnotatedCommand\Parser\Internal\BespokeDocBlockParser::$commandInfo is deprecated
Are you trying to upgrade your SuiteCRM?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea com
This robo is buggy, probably spawning child processes that do not use my php flags. Even though I execute like this
php -d disable_functions=none -d sys_temp_dir=/xxxxx/tmp/
the passthru is blocked, when I changed the php.ini this disappeared. But not everyone has access to the php.ini
➜ Upgrade SuiteCRM
[Exec] Running php modules/UpgradeWizard/silentUpgrade.php SuiteCRM-7.14.6.zip upgradeLog.log . admin
This Upgrade process may take sometime
The patch did not contain a proper manifest.php file. Cannot continue.
*************** step1 failed ***************: 1
*************** silentupgrade failed ***************: 1
I can’t log in because of this saml issues mentioned here