Upgrade from SuiteCRM 6.5.15 to 7.0.2


I have downloaded the upgrade zip and then go through the Upgrade Wizard, select the downloaded zip and then click Upload.

After a short wait I go back to the Home screen.

I am just about to install 7.0.2 from scratch as I only have limited data, unless this is an easy fix?



Hi Steve,

Have you tried modifying your upload_max_filesize in your php.ini? Is your upload_max_filesize value large enough to accommodate the upgrade file?



Updated upload_max_filesize to 32M, restarted Apache and still no joy I’m afraid.

Screen shot of part of phpinfo() attached…

Hi Steve,

Does the CRM just hang after you click upload and redirect you? Are there any errors in your sugarcrm.log?



Doesn’t hang, but goes back to the main screen.

I have removed all of my modified modules, nothing in sugarcrm.log but upgradeWizard.log has entries, on attachment, which seem to show a problem with one of my modules…

Hi Steve,

Can this module be removed? Have you tried removing it then performing the upgrade? Have you backed up/is it an installable module that you can re-install if you remove it?



I must have mucked up something while changing things, I haven’t got that much data so I’m going to go for a clean install.

ANything on modification best practices would be appreciated.


Hi Steve,

Any modifications you make to SugarCRM/SuiteCRM should ideally be upgrade-safe. You can make upgrade-safe changes via the custom directory.

