Upgrade from GoDaddy/cPanel/Installatron 7.2.2 to most recent

I am fairly new to SuiteCRM and I have been googling around trying to figure out the best way to solve my issue. I installed the full SuiteCRM 7.9 package to my GoDaddy hosting and set it up but got nothing but undefined errors and other weird bugs. So I noticed that cPanel - Installatron has a SuiteCRM automatic installer that I thought I’d try but the most recent version you can install is 7.2.2. In the SuiteCRM documentation (the upgrade wizard page) it states that upgrading manually by dragging and dropping files is unsupported so I assume it would be buggy. But the upgrades available on the website are only as low as 7.7. Is there a better way to utilize the newest SuiteCRM?


I realized that there were legacy upgrades as well. I went through several tiers (from 7.2.2 to 7.3.2, then 7.4.4, then 7.6.10, then 7.7.9, then 7.9). About halfway through I was getting timeout issues and max file size issues, so I edited the php.ini file and got a few more successful installs. But by the time I got to the 7.6.10 one I kept getting database issues among other errors. So i was unable to continue with that route.

Any help would be great as I would very much like to be able to use SuiteCRM and have plans to purchase many of the paid extensions. I just want to make sure it is going to work before I put too much into it.

Thanks in advance.

What are the database issues you are getting?

You may want to go back to just troubleshooting the errors you were getting. The undefined errors are almost always permission issues with javascript language files. Fixes to the php.ini to reflect the recommended settings should help too.


Thanks for the reply.

I figured I should retry just installing 7.9 from scratch so I went ahead and went that route. I am still getting some undefined errors but not as much. I am guessing that has something to the php.ini changes I made between installs. There weren’t any specific logged errors that I could find other than just the headings of some windows reading “undefined” so I am not sure where to start with permissions. Any recommendations?

Thanks again.

You should set permissions for the files on your instance.

This post is what I use:

RIght. I actually found a post that had something about setting all the permissions to 775 and the cache folder to 777 which fixed the undefined error but I am still getting errors setting up the imap and smtp servers for gmail and more that spring up as I click around. So im almost just considering paying someone else to set it up. Any ideas?

Bummer on that. It is possible that the port for setting up the email are being blocked by your hosting provider. There are as many opinions on this as people on the forum but I’ve used Digital Ocean, AWS, and Linode. This isn’t to say others won’t work by any means but a shared host doesn’t allow for some of the granular control. The advantage is most offer cPanel along with the service though.

This is a bit self serving but I am a developer and could help you out if you want. You can email me at shad@jackalsoftware if you want some information.