Upgrade from 8.2.1 to 8.2.3. Menu´s not charging and not showing

Hello, I just update and the “error occurred while fetching metadata” have dissapear. I attach some images that what happen now (no menus are displayed and information is loading allways.

I use Ubuntu 22.04 with php 7.4 and Mariadb

In login page I saw this:

La cookie “LEGACYSESSID” ha sido rechazada porque ya ha caducado.
Unsatisfied version 0 of shared singleton module luxon (required =3.0.0) main-es2015.be426cabb32c4a9259b5.js:1:11354
La cookie “LEGACYSESSID” ha sido rechazada porque ya ha caducado. graphql
La cookie “PHPSESSID” ha sido rechazada porque ya ha caducado. session-status

After login:

La cookie “PHPSESSID” ha sido rechazada porque ya ha caducado. login
Login success dist_core___ivy_ngcc___fesm2015_core_js-_92d41-es2015.85e46b4b7cc754f175df.js:32:2535
Algunas cookies están haciendo mal uso del atributo recomendado “SameSite“ 21
Esta página utiliza la propiedad no estándar “zoom”. Considere usar calc() en los valores de propiedad relevantes, o usar “transform” junto con “transform-origin: 0 0”. index.php
JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 3.4.0 sugar_grp1_jquery.js:6:970
unreachable code after return statement
Algunas cookies están haciendo mal uso del atributo recomendado “SameSite“ 6
Un XMLHttpRequest síncrono en el hilo principal está desaprobado por sus efectos negativos en la experiencia del usuario final. Para más ayuda vea http://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/ sugar_grp1_jquery.js:2:81867

And when I tried to view an opportunity, this error:

ERROR RangeError: Invalid time zone specified: null
at new DateTimeFormat ()
at Ft.offset (node_modules_luxon_src_luxon_js-es2015.776ab170fcd37f98536c.js:1:12762)
at Ft.formatOffset (node_modules_luxon_src_luxon_js-es2015.776ab170fcd37f98536c.js:1:12663)
at e.userTimeZone (dist_core___ivy_ngcc___fesm2015_core_js-_92d41-es2015.85e46b4b7cc754f175df.js:26:59163)
at e.toUserFormat (dist_core___ivy_ngcc___fesm2015_core_js-_92d41-es2015.85e46b4b7cc754f175df.js:26:56922)
at e.toUserFormat (dist_core___ivy_ngcc___fesm2015_core_js-_92d41-es2015.85e46b4b7cc754f175df.js:26:62839)
at e.setupField (dist_core___ivy_ngcc___fesm2015_core_js-_92d41-es2015.85e46b4b7cc754f175df.js:32:78851)
at e.buildField (dist_core___ivy_ngcc___fesm2015_core_js-_92d41-es2015.85e46b4b7cc754f175df.js:32:78250)
at e.addField (dist_core___ivy_ngcc___fesm2015_core_js-_92d41-es2015.85e46b4b7cc754f175df.js:32:86720)
at dist_core___ivy_ngcc___fesm2015_core_js-_92d41-es2015.85e46b4b7cc754f175df.js:32:89490

And I saw the page like this

Captura de pantalla 2023-01-26 a las 7.43.13

Captura de pantalla 2023-01-26 a las 7.47.41


Hi @Latoso57 ,

Thank you for the feedback. Could you try the following please?

  • edit the .env.local file and set APP_ENV=qa
  • run php bin/console cache:clear
  • Open the devtools of your browser
  • clear the network tab
  • refresh the page
  • Check if there are any request with 500 or 401
  • Check the graphql requests response to see if there is any that has errors in the response

Hi @Latoso57,

We’ve re-tested the packages and were able to to successfully upgrade between those versions.

One thing to try is to re-set permissions

Thanks for your reply Clemente.
After following instructions, I have got this:
POST 500 (Internal Server Error)

I reset permissions before installing and after that.
There are no APP_ENV=qa line in .env.local
I have a file name .env with APP_ENV=qa
In file .env.local I only have the database information.
I don´t see any graphql error.
If I reinstall 8.2.1 all works fine. I have installed Spanish language and a custom module if it helps.