upgrade from 7.8.7 to 7.8.8 - logged in as a general user - after 10 minutes no home page dashlets

just the spinning dot wheel

7.8.7 to 7.8.8, linux box with php ver 5.6.31 and before yammering about 7, I had installed 7.8.7 on a Linux box with php 7.0.24 and got the same problems - I could not even get my gmail account to work - and I had installed SugarCRM CE versions with no problems on the one box

From error_log:
[24-Oct-2017 20:37:46 UTC] PHP Strict Standards: Declaration of MyCallsDashlet::process() should be compatible with DashletGeneric::process($lvsParams = Array, $id = NULL) in /home/…/modules/Calls/Dashlets/MyCallsDashlet/MyCallsDashlet.php on line 47
[24-Oct-2017 20:37:46 UTC] PHP Strict Standards: Declaration of MyMeetingsDashlet::process() should be compatible with DashletGeneric::process($lvsParams = Array, $id = NULL) in /home/…/modules/Meetings/Dashlets/MyMeetingsDashlet/MyMeetingsDashlet.php on line 209
[24-Oct-2017 20:37:47 UTC] PHP Strict Standards: Declaration of MyOpportunitiesDashlet::process() should be compatible with DashletGeneric::process($lvsParams = Array, $id = NULL) in /home/…/modules/Opportunities/Dashlets/MyOpportunitiesDashlet/MyOpportunitiesDashlet.php on line 90
[24-Oct-2017 20:37:47 UTC] PHP Strict Standards: Declaration of MyAccountsDashlet::process() should be compatible with DashletGeneric::process($lvsParams = Array, $id = NULL) in /home/…/modules/Accounts/Dashlets/MyAccountsDashlet/MyAccountsDashlet.php on line 101
[24-Oct-2017 20:37:47 UTC] PHP Strict Standards: Declaration of SugarFeedDashlet::process() should be compatible with DashletGeneric::process($lvsParams = Array, $id = NULL) in /home/…/modules/SugarFeed/Dashlets/SugarFeedDashlet/SugarFeedDashlet.php on line 607

from suitecrm_log:
Tue Oct 24 20:25:43 2017 [88724][-none-][FATAL] ERROR: rmdir_recursive(): argument cache/themes/SuiteR/modules is not a file or a dir.

sugarcrm_log empty

I went from there to Activities->Email and as soon as the Email screen appeared, a message box appears with the title “Exception occurred…” and the msg: Internal Server Error

Going into Settings, and clicking on Mail Accounts I see data errors for both Mail Accounts and Outgoing SMTP Mail Servers - despite repeatedly setting them up in 7.8.7 which gave the same Internal Server Error and could not remember the mail settings.

Change your error_reporting in php.ini to exclude E_STRICT errors, to get rid of those.

Then do go for PHP 7, the Email errors are a different thing. There I am yammering about PHP 7… :slight_smile:

Quick Repair and Rebuild

Delete the cache/themes folder, it will be recreated.

Now, without the FATAL errors, re-evaluate and post here which problems are still present.

thanks for your suggestion - haven’t done them yet - I decided to make my life more interesting by spending the last few days installing 7.8.7-7.8.8 on my home Windows 10/IIS 10/PHP 7.1/mysql 5.7.13

going much better - a problem with FastCGI errors which is irksome

I want to upgrade from 7.8.8 to 7.8.16 LTS can any one give me upgrade Package link ?

https://suitecrm.com/upgrade-suitecrm/ got it