upgrade fail

When I try to upgrade my sugarcrm CE 6.5 to suitecrm 7.1.8 with this zip “SugarCE Migration 6.5.x to Suite 7.1.8” through upgrade wizard, after the upload show me this error

Specified directory ‘’ for zip file ‘upload://SugarCE Migration 6.5.x to Suite 7.1.8.zip’ extraction does not exist.

What should i do!?


You can try a few things:

  • remove spaces from the zip name

  • check the zip integrity with the unzip command, re-download if necessary

  • make sure you’re not feeding a module into Upgrade Wizard, or an Upgrade into Module Loader

  • check permissions and ownership on upload directory

  • check if your PHP zip module is loaded in php.ini, especially if you’re upgrading PHP


I had follow the sugestions.

  • remove spaces from the zip name - removed

  • check the zip integrity with the unzip command, re-download if necessary - i downloaded another

  • make sure you’re not feeding a module into Upgrade Wizard, or an Upgrade into Module Loader - i’m sure

  • check permissions and ownership on upload directory - i’ve already done uploads before of the language pack and another modules

  • check if your PHP zip module is loaded in php.ini, especially if you’re upgrading PHP -

[b]Keep the same error!

Specified directory ‘’ for zip file ‘upload://SugarCE_Migration_6.x_to_Suite_7.6.6.zip’ extraction does not exist.[/b]

If I was in your place, I would thoroughly examine the permissions for the upload directory (not just, I did it before and it worked), and on the zip file.

I would also try the zip integrity check directly on the server with the downloaded file.

Sorry if I sound annoying, but I am an engineer, I was brought up this way, I want to be sure when I am ruling out a possible problem :slight_smile:

This is the first time I’m seeing this error, but I see Google knows of more cases:


Maybe one of those places can guide you to a solution?

you don’t sound annoying! :slight_smile:

I have check the permissions on config file and changed it to default

‘dir_mode’ => 1528,

'file_mode' => 432,

'user' => '',

'group' => '',

after the upload blank, nothing happens.

the file were uploaded and i’ve checked the directory /upload/upgrades/patch and the zip and the manifest are there.

on upgradeWizard.log apear last line:

Fri, 02 Feb 2018 13:30:32 +0000 [UpgradeWizard] - updating UpgradeWizard code: include/upload_file.php
Fri, 02 Feb 2018 13:30:32 +0000 [UpgradeWizard] - updating UpgradeWizard code: include/utils/sugar_file_utils.php
Fri, 02 Feb 2018 13:30:32 +0000 [UpgradeWizard] - updating UpgradeWizard code: include/utils/autoloader.php
Fri, 02 Feb 2018 13:30:32 +0000 [UpgradeWizard] - finding new files for upgrade

Those permission in the config file are not the critical thing, what is critical is what is actually there in Linux file system.

You can check with this command in any directory

ls -al upload

I have an idea that might help. You might have some left-overs from previous attempts that are causing problems. If you clean up the upload/patch and upload/upgrade directories (if you have them), you can try again from scratch.

In theory, there is no problem in deleting those directories, but to be safe, instead of deleting them, rename them to something else.