Upgrade / Change of server


we are currently running SuiteCRM 7.3.1 and want to change to 7.7.4
As already mentioned in other threads we could do updates step by steps and finally arrive to 7.7.4

Now we were thinking about changing the used Webserver (currently a selfmanaged Debian with Apache) to an external webservice provider (also Linux based, but managed, provider would be Hetzner). Reason would be an easy management handling.

So I´d like to know if there is a way to „install“ a virgin 7.7.4 to another Server and migrate all data from a 7.3.1 sytem without any big inconvienice?

Thanks a lot for any suggestions!

Kind regards

yes you can, but is not simple as that but neither with big inconvenience, you just need extra knowledge in database migrating the data and comparing custom stuff to replicate in the new system, I’ve done it and it a full night working to have it ready for the next day

best regards