Upgrade 8.2.1 -> 8.3.0 Server Error, config file not found


I have Suite CRM Version 8.2.1. And now i wanted to update it to 8.3.0. I do the following things:

1.) i upload the SuiteCRM-8.3.0.zip to the suitecrm-test/tmp/package/upgrade folder.
2.) After that i run ./bin/console suitecrm:app:upgrade -t SuiteCRM-8.3.0
3.) Then i run ./bin/console suitecrm:app:upgrade-finalize -t SuiteCRM-8.3.0
4.) The permissions are set right.
5.) Now i open the suite crm and it says:

6.) in the upgrade wizard log it says:

7.) i also tried to put the config and config override files into every folder. But this also did not work.

Can somebody help me?

Thank you!

That upgrade wizard message is not an error, I think. You can ignore it.

You should look for FATAL PHP errors in your php_errors.log

It does not show any Errors in my php_errors.log. But the output of the php errors works, because i get error from my webshop which is in another subfolder.

Sun, 15 Oct 2023 16:06:45 +0200 [UpgradeWizard] - config.php file at () could not be found. Skip merging.

I tried the update again and it always displays just this Error right after i execute the update commandy

is the config file owned by root and trying to read it with the apache web user apache? Most common error making upgrades using the user root then files can’t be read by the web server.

No, I use the same user for the webserver and root. The user is fine, because with other upgrades it worked.

And this is how the error looks like when i inspect it in the browser and open network:

You have a bunch of images with 200 response message which is OK
You have to debug the 500 error better. Apache gives a 500 when there’s a server-side error and something is preventing a response.
Check Apache error log (usually /var/log/httpd/error_log) and PHP (usually for PHP-FPM /var/log/php-fpm/www-error.log) - may be different in your setup, but fairly identical if using EL distros - and check the errors in detail there please.

It’s a completely optional installer step, merging two config files. Nobody uses this. You don’t have anything to merge.

You should really be looking for your problems elsewhere…

This is my Apacher Server log. I looked it up on my server. All these Errors a from a shop in another subfolder.

I also looked at the php error and there are also Errors a from a shop in another subfolder.

These Error are always there so they are not responsible for the error.

I’ve never seen anyone diagnose errors without actually seeing the errors.
If there’s that someone able to tell errors from timestamps, ain’t me. Good luck.

I hide it because the errors are from another shop. Thanks anyway :slight_smile: