Updating Theme for 7.12.8 via Visual Studio Code? Easier method than Sass?

I’m new to Ubuntu and Sass and suiteCRM - so saying I’m a bit wet behind the ears is putting it mildly.

I have some experience developing w/ studio code/php/css/node/wordpress, and I was wondering if there was an easier method to update/customize the style for suiteCRM than by going through Sass that goes beyond the general theme options (Night, Dusk, etc…)

I’m not talking about going super crazy, but I’d prefer a darker theme for my eyes. I’ve tried finding the colors to adjust using chrome’s element inspector…and then going to the color-palette.scss and then compiling the scss…and it’s like reading chinese.

Any ideas on making some basic color changes without going the super complicated (at least to this noob) Sass route? TIA!