Hello everyone! I am currently working on updating my Suite CRM image using a Docker file. However, I am facing an issue when deploying the container with Docker Compose. Despite using a persistent volume in this Docker Compose setup, the modifications I make to my image don’t seem to be taken into account.
Specifically, the container deploys the persistent data but does not reflect the recent changes I have made. I would like to understand how to resolve this situation. Are there any specific recommendations or configurations I should adjust in Docker Compose to ensure that my modifications are properly recognized while preserving my persistent data? Thank you in advance for any assistance or suggestions!
How are you handling the necessary Quick Repair and Rebuild?
If your changes are only to the QR&R source files, the files that it scans and consolidates, then you need to run a QR&R to make them effective.
If (mistakenly) your changes are to the QR&R destination files, the ones it produces after the scan, then you get the opposite behaviour - things work when you deploy, but stop working after the first QR&R.
Note that you can try running a QR&R from the command-line, as a script.
I’m not sure how this works in v8, maybe this way:
cd public/legacy
../../vendor/consolidation/robo/robo list
That should give you a list of available commands.
Sometimes, you might want to commit both the source and the destination files to source control and then deploy by copying all the files - to avoid having to run the QR&R after deployment.