Updating records via .csv import WITHOUT last name?

I have a CSV file that has a column with the IDs of all the records I would like to update and 2 more colums with the fields I would like to update for the records with those IDs.

Upon trying to import, I got an error saying that ā€˜last nameā€™ is a required field.

Not sure why there is such a requirement considering ID is unique, so it shouldnā€™t need anything more than that.

Of course, if I had a CSV file with the names, I would use that. But, I donā€™t. So, is there any way to bypass this restriction?


just disable de ā€œrequired fieldā€ in studio

best regards

I went into Studio > Leads > Fields, clicked on last_name and unchecked ā€œRequired Field.ā€

It still didnā€™t work, so I went back into studio and noticed that under ā€œRequired Fieldā€ there was a dropdown for ā€œImportableā€ and it was set to ā€œRequired.ā€ I changed that to ā€œYesā€ and now itā€™s working.

Thanks for the help!


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