Updates - Text: & Case Updates Threaded: fields are not working in v7.13 | displaying as undefined | CASES Module

CRM v7.13 | PHP 7.4

I have read few posts on forum related to this, but it did not resolve.

When I am trying to write at Case Updates Threaded: field, I am getting undefined on UI as well as in database table (aop_case_updates)

Tried this fix, but it did not work

In studio:

Fields in studio:

For example,

Internal Update Ron Sui 02/13/2024 xx:xxPM

Please help to resolve this issue!

Anyone has solution for this?

Just on the off-chance check Admin > Case Module Settings

Is case automation enabled?

I remember once turning this off and then hearing the chorus of screams from the team as they couldn’t add in AOP_Case_Updates into an existing Case

Yes, it is enabled.


Is your CRM language in English? If it is not, try changing to English and see if the error persists.

Yes, under Admin->LANGUAGES, it is English

Are you “writing” there with code, or by typing in the UI?

If it’s code, you have a bug in your code

I am typing on the UI, not code.

So, I am typing text in the below box and clicking on SAVE. Then, I am getting a entered text but it is showing undefined. Also, in database it is storing as undefined.


Another two things to check

What custom fields do you have in the cases_cstm db table?
I’ve seen this behaviour in a separate post but it was reported there that it was a DB Schema miss match that was causing the ‘undefined’ check everything matches there?

Also the fields internal update, and update text field - is this on your detail view layout - if they are remove them from the detail view
“Updates - Text” field which usually is only on editview. If it’s on detailview too the field will be added on DetailView. The detailview page will have 2 id with same name “update_text”.
(could cause an undefined)

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Yes, I have those two fields on my detailview :face_with_peeking_eye:

Shall I remove them from studio->Cases->Layouts->Detail View? :thinking:

Then do SAVE & DEPLOY?

Yes take those two fields away from detailview and do save & deploy and re try to save a case update

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So, in Edit View of Cases module. :ballot_box_with_check: Sync to Detail View was checked.

We unchecked that box and deleted two fields from Detail View as per suggested by Mark.
Hurray :partying_face: now it is working !!! :blush:

Excellent! Yeah the cases module is a bit finicky with the detail views - glad you got it sorted!

Do you guys have sync to detail view checked in the cases module? :thinking: :face_with_peeking_eye: