Update should ignore hidden (.xxxxx) folders (such as .git)

When trying to update my SuiteCRM instance, it does the file permissions check and fails because the .git folder doesn’t have the permissions the updater wants. There’s no reason that it should be checking these files, nor does it need access to them, but won’t allow the update because of them.

This can also be a problem if you have large subfolders (say you have a copy of joomla installed inside the SuiteCRM directory for the portal). The check will check every single file which in some cases can take a long time.

I’ve added an issue here: https://github.com/salesagility/SuiteCRM/issues/165

As a temporary workaround you can add ‘.git’ to the skipped directories. In modules/UpgradeWizard/systemCheck.php

Change the lines:

$skipDirs = array(


$skipDirs = array(

Please note that this fix is not upgrade safe so future upgrades may remove this. It should suffice until the fix is added to a future SuiteCRM however.

Also remember it’s always a good idea to backup SuiteCRM before making any changes.


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