Unit, Functional Tests


Does SuiteCRM comes with set of tests similar to those in sugarcrm: https://github.com/sugarcrm/sugarcrm_dev/tree/master/tests?

Not at the moment unfortunately, however it is something I would like to see added and will try to implement when I have the chance.


Hello, I am a sugar programmer from any year ago, and watching inside the code I think that is very difficult to progress with this open source if we don’t make a common method to run Unit Test to the functionalities that we incorpore to the source, and to progress into the core.

I am doing a mini framework over QUnit to pass Unit Test to the modules of SuiteCRM.

I am newbie in this community i don’t know how you are working. I propose to open a discussion about how is the best method to implementate Unit Test in Sugar.

My code now make a iframe that communicate with Suite and i have some tools to fill the fields a check that the DetailView return the correct data. The tools simulate the click of the user, etc. All the code is on JavaScript to test all layers.

Anybody are interesting on the issue?
Please if the response is yes, i need feedback to discuss how to implement or share this mini framework.
I make a issue in git but only one interesting person reponse. I think that the only way to guarantee the quality of the product and now the personal feeling is that when solved a bug is easy to generate a another colateral bug.