Undo studio: 'Sync to DetailView'

I have a module with some non-db fields. So i set up independent detail and edit views.

I made an error and clicked ‘sync to detail view’ whilst editing the layouts. argh.

Is there a way to undo this action or do i have to re-create the edit/detail views?

Thank you.

You could remove the custom/modules/YOURMODULE/metadata/detailviewdefs.php file and it will revert back to way it was when you installed it.

Thanks Andy,

That worked, but it loses all previous customizations.

I guess what i was hoping for was version control…a function to ‘delete last edit’ so that when ive made a mistake i don’t have to start all over again.

I guess its a nice to have feature, but perhaps in the absence of that a warning popup would be good.