
Being new in SuiteCRM i get a lot of “undefined” - no matter if i use it in english or in my native language gernan.
Any idea what i am doing wring?


Permission are wrong on cache foler…
try 777 on Cache folder.

SRy - didnt work.
Actually i am trying to customize the layout of the leads view (because i dont need all the B2B Information) - there the error occurs.

I did a little recording of that here: https://cl.ly/dcf69662582c

on some host custom folder can also be done at 777.

Actually, 3 folder needs higher permissions, custom , cache and upload.

Sorry - didnt change anything

Hallo, hast du dazu bereits eine Lösung gefunden. Ich habe das gleiche Problem. Auch bei mir hat die Erhöhung der Dateiberechtigungen nichts genützt.
LG Helmut