a. Disable the webserver from accepting the IP address in the appropriate configuration file.
b. Create an auto forward (30x error in the non suiteCRM instance)
c. Insert an index.html which has an auto refresh in the html head to forward from the no desired IP access to the correct suitecrm instance. (Different document root required for the non desired server access process.
d. Use of mod_rewrite if an apache server.
e. For apache, you could potentially use servername/serveralias to resolve the issue
Hopefully the above provides enough pointers for you? If you need further assistance we probably need more information about your webserver and configuration.
Yes you are correct. I do the other way around, which is to use IP address instead of the FQDN and change the ‘site_url’ to server’s IP. I forgot to mention that the server is for internal access only and we have internal DNS resolving the FQDN. Since VPN users are in ‘split-tunnel’ I expect that they might not reach the webserver if they use the FQDN, due to DNS(unless I am wrong on this?). Anyway, users are fine with using the IP address instead of FQDN.
Glad to hear that you came up with a solution that works for you. Of course You could direct people to the internal address by setting up an additional entry on your internal DNS server. This may require a bit of effort to ensure that those using the VPN capability also get information from that server.