Undefined headings, buttons and display names when adding list items/groups


I get errors when trying to create quotations and invoice.

These are Undefined headings, buttons and display name.

Please assist me with this issues.


Please check the suitecrm.log for exact reason of the problem.

Can you please share the version of SuiteCRM and also share the screenshot of the issue.

Thank You!

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I am on version 7.11.8

I am not really sure what to make of the log file. Please see the attached file. I’d appreciate the help.

I have checked the suitecrm.log but no luck.

Can you please share the screenshot or video of the issue?

Thank you!

Now I also noticed it when creating reports

On chrome browser, Press F12 to open developer console. Now reload your page and see if you have Errors in the Console. Most probably they are 404 errors which means that Language files were not found. Can you check the permissions for cache/jsLanguage Folder and the files inside it?
You can run following command from shell when on the CRM root path. This will set cache permissions.

chmod -R 777 cache/* 


Indeed I got 4 counts of error 404 in the developer console, I managed to change permissions, ran a quick repair and rebuild, then headings were fixed without any errors in the developer console.

Using 777 permissions is very insecure (it means any user is allowed to read, write and execute files in your server) and is not necessary if the ownerships are set correctly…

Point taken.

However the ownership commands were executed but the problem persisted. Is there another way to resolve this without using -777 to the cache folder?

Check the .htaccess. Pay attention to the correct /RedirectBase.

There were htaccess problems in 7.11.8.

This is the fix


After that you need to run Admin / Repars / Rebuild htaccess