"undefined" field names overall suiteCRM version 7.5

I need help with this issue. I know there are many posts about this topics and most make refference to permission issues but this has not solved my problem.

also the RewriteBase value in my .htaccess matches the name for my SuiteCRM directory

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Hello there,

how is your environment, OS, PHP version and what are your permissions?

Hi Wieland, thanks for your reply

OS: linux
PHP version 5.4.45
Permissions for /suitecrm folder are 755
Permissions for cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php are 777 (to test if this solved something but not)

This issue can have multiple reasons.

Permissions, PHP version and Language Files. But there are other reasons, but this is unlikely if before this error is not surfaced.

  1. How long have emerged from this mistake? Only after the upgrade?
  2. Has the system changed somewhat, especially the PHP version?
  3. the permissions have been tested in config.php and utils.php?
  4. How old is the installation, the errors in all modules, or are older modules available?
  5. Does the fault also in English on?

To see what permissions: Even when Linux permissions may vary.
For Ubuntu:

  • Htdocs / config.php
    Get 1517-> Linux
    File 420-> Linux
    chown ‘user’ <- Your DB User
    Chgrp ‘group’ <-Your DB Group

  • Htdocs / include / utils.php
    Get 2770
    File 660
    chown ‘user’ <- Your DB User
    Chgrp ‘group’ <-Your DB Group

All Files: 644
All Folders: 755

for Folders, Subdirektories
and Files: 775
cache, custom, data, modules, include, upload, themes

  • Repair JSLanguage
  • Quick and Rebuild

For PHP Version
We also have this error.
Version 3.5.29 and 4.5.38 works without problems.

Please do not neglect the cache folder, somewhere lies the error.

Information Cache: https://suitecrm.com/forum/developer-help/5081-sitecrm-database-modifications-done-externally#19044


I tried a few experiments to try & replicate the issue if I may? (However, I couldn’t replicate it as everything worked)

I had loaded up Centos7 (64 bit, PHP 5.4.16, mariadb 5.5.44 on a VMWare Workstation 11 Host).
Initially I’d installed SuiteCRM 7.43 as a fresh instance & then thought I’d upgrade to 7.5 which completed successfully.
I want to try some customizations in cases & went to the Fields & found the undefined fields heading error.

After trying some of the proposed repairs I started over.

Same everything & added a new instance into var/www/html. Starting with SuiteCRM 7.5 this time (not upgrading from 7.43)
used chown apache:apache -R /var/www/html (or it won’t install)
Also used chmod -R 755 /var/www/html

Installation went without incident & there is no undefined error on field headings in the customization page. That includes after renaming a Field heading (which is all I really did last time)

The I went & repeated the above to install a fresh instance of 7.43, again with no error & again with no undefined issue.

So that’s 3 instances on the same server to date & only the original one has the undefined issue.
The only differences is that the original one had been used a few times to check pages & see changes, so the cache may be more used.
Only one client account was entered for testing & all only have the admin user.

According to the modified dates only 14 files have been changed in the directory since installation, so we’d guess that the issue will be in one of those perhaps? (Please see attached).



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Hi guys,

I don’t know what happened to my answer where I gave you thousand times thank you for your great support.

The issue is now solved, I checked everything about the permissions and correcte all of them which were incorrect. I also checked the js language files.

The final solution was to update the PHP version to 5.6. Even desktop notifications started working after the upgrade.

Maybe this should be updated https://suitecrm.com/wiki/index.php/Installation since I had issues with 5.4.45

Compatibility matrix for upgrade
Note: SuiteCRM 7.2.x requires PHP 5.3+(5.3 or newer).
Note: SuiteCRM 7.5 requires PHP 5.4+ (5.4 or newer) because PHP new short array syntax is being used at least once in Reports module.

Again thank you for your dedication to the issue.

I can happily confirm egiron’s result on my test set-up (as above). :woohoo: :woohoo:

I used the directions at https://webtatic.com/packages/php56/ to upgrade Centos7 from php 5.4.16 to 5.6.17

After that (& no initial result from a few things) it was necessary to delete the cache folder in SuiteCRM directory & the field names became visible after restarting httpd & logging off & back on to SuiteCRM.

Given the previous tests, it looks like an issue develops in PHP after installation (from an unknown action) which is flushed out by upgrading to PHP 5.6.17

I was already convinced that the file & folder permissions were correct before implementing this & made no other changes to the test server (or config.php).

Great result :slight_smile: