Undefined errors

I have just installed SuiteCRM 7.1.4-max I. When I go to studio, I keep finding occurrences of “Undefined” for example when in Studio View, where “New Panel”, “New Row” and “filler” should be it has 3 undefined’s listed. Any ideas?

I found this string http://support.sugarcrm.com/04_Knowledge_Base/02Administration/100Install/Required_File_System_Permissions_on_Linux/ and changed the code to:

   return true; //chmod($filename, $mode);

return false;

Then rebuilt, with no luck. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

I have now uninstalled, modified the files, listed above and re installed. It seems most of this instance is “Undefined” for example when I go to the Admin section at the top of the file tree is “undefined”. hmmmmmm.

I see now that I am having the same issues… In addition, I am getting “undefined” for most popups. I just posted another topic about the same thing.

I found this thread and it fixed the problem. https://suitecrm.com/forum/suitecrm-7-0-discussion/2316-undefined-popup#9413

Thanks for looking.

This is normally caused by permissions, if you check your config.php file there is a section in there which needs to be updated for permissions also

array (
‘dir_mode’ => 1517,
‘file_mode’ => 420,
‘user’ => ‘’,
‘group’ => ‘’,

Thanks for looking

Всем привет!
Была такая же проблема. Решилась изменением прав на 775 для каталога cache и его подкаталогов. Так же, исправились другие мелкие баги.

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I had the same problem.
I decided to change the rights on 775 to cache directory and its subdirectories.

FIXED. :stuck_out_tongue:

Altering the config.php like below, did not work for me

array (
‘dir_mode’ => 1517,
‘file_mode’ => 420,
‘user’ => ‘’,
‘group’ => ‘’,

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Did you get the solution or not ? Please help me too even i am facing the same error ?