Unable to use quick edit feature

Hi there,

I have just updated to 7.10 and I am unable click on the pencil icon next to a field to quick edit something and this has stopped working since the update.

Any ideas?



Before we continue, would you please be able to confirm the location of this issue? Is it within Studio and Edit layouts?

Also, screenshots are very helpful if you ever struggle to describe an issue!


I am facing the same issue too, but with a fresh install of Suite CRM 7.10.
In my case, the problem happens in Studio > Contacts > Layouts > Edit View (well, not just in Contacts, that’s an example).

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Hi thanks,

This is happening in the view contacts screen and the pencil icon appears when you hover over name or any other fields.

Hope this helps.


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Thanks for the extra information, this issue is fixed in the 7.10.1 update to the system.

Unless you have a reason not to, I would suggest updating this as we are working on making it a lot more stable and fixing issues like this.

However, here is the fix which should solve this issue :smiley:

Hope this helps, please keep us posted.

Thanks again,

Also, sorry, just as a side note, we will be looking to release 7.10.2 in the upcoming days.

This will include various bug fixes with the aim to help stabilise this version.


Thank you. The solution you posted was indeed the problem in my case, so problem fixed!

Excellent, glad to hear!

Thanks again.