Unable to upload logo

Hi, I’ve decided to try SuiteCRM out and installed it on a shared server. I’m unable to upload a logo in the System Settings panel.
It seems to accept the file, but then the uploader wait cursor only spins. I have tried using both Safari, Chrome and Firefox - all of them fails (or rather doesn’t upload). Any suggestions?

Apache version 2.2.25
PHP version 5.3.26
MySQL version 5.1.73-cll
Architecture x86_64
Operating system linux


Have you set the permissions and ownership correctly.

Not for production use but:

sudo chmod -R 777 /fromroot/path/toyour/suitecrm/instance

I had issues on a shared server too (HostGator). I got around it by just FTPing in and replacing the logo file with mine. I imagine salesagility’s solution works too and is probably better. When I launched my production system on bitnami/aws, I didn’t have this problem. Might be because permissions were better setup. On a shared server, if you don’t have telnet access, it is more difficult to get permissions correct.
