Unable to save selected template in campaign


I have installed SuiteCRM 8.2.4 on an Ubuntu 20.04.5 server with MariaDB 10.3.38 and PHP 7.4.3.

When try to save the selected template in the campaign wizard I get this error in the browser console ( Chrome 110.0.5481.178 ):

EmailTemplate.js:69 Uncaught TypeError: window.parent.$ is not a function
at save (EmailTemplate.js:69:15)
at EmailTemplateController (EmailTemplate.js:77:55)
at HTMLInputElement.onclick (index.php?return_module=Campaigns&campaign_id=1c129887-849e-9e82-7c3a-64030d550782&return_action=WizardNewsLetter&return_id=1c129887-849e-9e82-7c3a-64030d550782&module=Campaigns&action=WizardMarketing:959:116)
save @ EmailTemplate.js:69
EmailTemplateController @ EmailTemplate.js:77
onclick @ index.php?return_module=Campaigns&campaign_id=1c129887-849e-9e82-7c3a-64030d550782&return_action=WizardNewsLetter&return_id=1c129887-849e-9e82-7c3a-64030d550782&module=Campaigns&action=WizardMarketing:959

Because of this there is no way to click next to get to the next step in the setup of the campaign.

What can be the cause of this error?

Kind Regards

It’s a bug, probably this was not sufficiently tested and the interaction between the legacy UI (campaigns wizard) and the new UI (surrounding windows and menus) is faulty. It seems to be looking for a window.parent item which is not defined.

Please open a new issue for this here: Issues · salesagility/SuiteCRM-Core · GitHub

With your stack trace it should be easy to fix. Thanks