Unable to replace SuiteCRM Logo

When I try to upload a new logo png file, it displays correctly in the settings until I save it. When I go back into settings, instead of the logo it shows $mod_strings.LBL_LOGO and a small picture icon. I also can’t revert back to the standard logo. Could this be a permissions problem? Where is the logo stored so I can check the folder permissions?

I followed the tool tip help on size and file naming and type.

It’s likely in folder “upload”.

After getting permissions right, did this start working?

Thanks, I will try to get the file and folder permissions right - this may then fix the “undefined” errors and the logo error in one go.

I gave the installation guide to my hosting provider, but he does not appear to be able to get the permissions right, I’m still getting the undefineds and still can’t upload a new logo.

I may have to use one of the hosting providers who has a one click SuiteCRM installer available, they must be able to get it to work properly. My provider has no experience of SuiteCRM. It’s a bit frustrating as I have a perfectly good hosting package with my current provider that meets all the prerequisites for running the application, but he can’t seem to get it right!

I also have the same problem with the logo
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
upload = 755
I have verified that the file uploads

  • some comment

Were you able to fix the Logo and undefined errors?

I am having the same issues on 7.11.7