Unable to "Edit" activity/task directly from Opportunity

When on an opportunity I am, while in my user, able to add an “Activity” to an Opportunity, under the Opportunity - Activities - Actions:

  • Create Task
  • Schedule Meeting
  • Log Call
  • Send Email

The description of an event where the issue is replicable:

  • Adding a “Log Call” action when in the Opportunity. I enter all the details and Save
  • Let’s say I forgot to change the call to “Held” and instead “Planned” got selected, so I need to edit it
  • I select “Edit” from the Opportunity/Activity Menu
  • Error: Access Denied
  • I leave this view and go to “Tasks”
  • I am able to edit the activity just fine.

This might be related to Security roles and security groups.

The quickest way to test this is to see if the Admin user gets access. If he does, and the problem only occurs for other users, then you know that you should be looking into security groups configuration.

If Admin also has the problem then it’s more likely a bug…

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Oh fun.

Was going to say that there are no security groups configured and assigned as of yet, but testingI also get access denied with the admin user.

If you haven’t created and edited Security Roles and groups, and this is happening by default (which it is, since I can reproduce it in my test system) I would say that this is a bug.

I see that this call is checking for a bean in a module called “activities”, when it should be “calls”:

I’ll have a look tomorrow to see if I can fix it

If you want you can try this simple fix, tell me if it worked and I can create a PR

→ Comparing salesagility:hotfix...pgorod:patch-1 · salesagility/SuiteCRM-Core · GitHub

@pgr thank you, sorry I wasn’t around yesterday will apply this today and let you know.

@pgr the fix works great so far. Great job, thanks! You may open a PR!

For reference:

Issue: Access denied editing records from aggregated subpanels (Activities, History) · Issue #401 · salesagility/SuiteCRM-Core · GitHub

PR: Fix #401 ACL Check recordModule instead of Module, if available by pgorod · Pull Request #402 · salesagility/SuiteCRM-Core · GitHub


The fix was merged today and will likely be part of the upcoming 8.5.1. release. :+1: